Visibility Accelerator

Transform your anxiety to confidence and clarity.

Can you relate to these feelings? 

  • Is my story relevant?
  • I hate being the center of attention!
  • Why would my opinion matter? 
  • Who would want to listen to me?
  • What if I stumble over my words?
  • What if I panic when I go live? 

These are the comments I hear from women entrepreneurs  and leaders every day as they share with me their deepest struggles about becoming more visible in their businesses! I get can be scary to put yourself out there for people to watch! Did you know it's actually wired into our DNA not to be stared at? 

But! There is something you can do about this innate fear! I'll show you what and how in our 3-Week Visibility Accelerator

Struggling with fear & anxiety in public speaking or going live on social media? Stepping out of your comfort zone to have a more visible presence? 

Have you been told to "fake it till you make it" or "just go live"? Me too, and it didn't work!

What I had to do to overcome my fear of being more visible in my business and social media is the same thing that I want to help you with......taking small, incremental steps towards the very thing you fear.

Psychologists call it exposure therapy but I call it the "Visibility Accelerator"

What do I know about fear? A LOT! My entire life has been a journey of emerging from various fears: fear of public speaking, fear of performing, fear of being the center of attention. At the age of 56, I entered the University of Alabama to obtain my doctorate degree in Higher Education Leadership to study fear and it's connection to procrastination. Wow! I learned a lot and I want to share it with you. I realized how much I missed out on because of fear and anxiety. You may have missed some opportunities too, and I want to make sure you don't miss out on anything else in your life!

You can overcome fear and anxiety and do things you never thought possible.

Dr. Beth Stuart, Founder & CEO of emergingYOU is is a Strengths Facilitator and Confidence Coach for women leaders. With a background in social work, student success, and higher education leadership, she uses these skills to empower women to discover and lead through their natural strengths and to overcome their fears and limiting beliefs so they can thrive in all areas of their life.


Daily online self-paced educational lessons supporting you on your journey.
Lessons in procrastination, perfectionism, vulnerability and tips for going live.

Access to free software program where practice is unlimited for three weeks. Learn to feel confident on video! 

You'll experience the feeling of "I can do this!" "I'm worthy of doing this!"

 Weekly coaching on zoom. Q & A, feedback, and support from me and the small group :)

Daily Feedback on your practice videos for encouragement and improvement. 

Hear what people had to say about Visibility Accelerator

 I received negative feedback on one of the first videos that I ever recorded for my business. Everything I was thinking about myself was said to me by other people about my video. I knew I needed to do something because my business requires me to be visible. I signed up for Beth's program. I explained I really needed feedback about my camera posture and demeanor. I created several practice videos with prompts Beth provided along with some freestyle topics I created. Beth's feedback was uplifting and encouraging to help me make small tweaks to my videos. It really gave me the courage to become more visible for my business. Since the Bootcamp, I have created multiple Reels on FB, IG, & Tik Tok. I have also completed 3 FB Lives for my FB Group. I wouldn't have been able to get here without her encouragement.

Cyndi Conway Booth 
Financial Coach, Making Money Simple

 I am proud to say that Visibility Accelerator has had a profound impact on my entrepreneurial journey. Armed with the skills, inspiration, and network I acquired during the program, I have gained more insight about my own business, and am steadily making strides towards achieving my goals. None of this would have been possible without Beth's guidance and the opportunities she provided.

Tomeka Jones, Retired Major U. S. Navy, Owner of Flawless Fashion Co. 
Freelance web developer - The Company

Course Curriculum

Visibility Accelerator

$333 USD

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