Use Your Strengths to Your Advantage! August 20th -12:00 p.m. EST

There is only ONE you! The odds of you and your best friend having the same top 5 strengths in the same order is 1 in 33 million!

What's in it for Me? What will I walk away with? 

Gain amazing insights into your innate gifts and talents. Connect deeper to how you were made and wired from childhood. 

Discover how your gifts may have been used against you by well-intentioned caregivers. You may have been trying to rid yourself of your strongest talent! 

Walk away with a renewed sense of confidence in who you are and the value you bring to the world. 

Workshop Overview

In this 1 1/2 hour workshop - you will discover just how unique you are! When you begin to live and work out of your strengths rather than trying to fix your weaknesses, life is going to change!  After you take the Clifton Strengths assessment which is included in the cost of the workshop, a new world will be open to in which you will discover that you are one in a million and your strengths are in a specific order for a specific reason! I've taken many, many psychological assessments, and Clifton Strengths is by far the one that gave my confidence a BIG boost! Join me on this journey!

Dr. Beth Stuart, Founder & CEO of emergingYOU is is a Strengths Facilitator and Confidence Coach. With a background in social work, student success, and higher education leadership, she uses these skills to empower women people to discover and lead through their natural strengths and to overcome their fears and limiting beliefs so they can thrive in all areas of their life.

What People Are Saying

This had a pivotal impact on how I use my strengths to empower my team and myself. Beth allowed the conversations to flow from the participant's perspective. I highly recommend this course. It will be life changing.

Keona Prude
Dir. of Communications & Operations

I am learning to love my strengths. I'm thinking of them as my super powers. In our personal lives as well as business, knowing how to apply our individual strengths/assets to create a win win situation is something I strive for.

Laurie Ward
Health Coach

Discovering my top 5 strengths made so much seem so clear. It was like filling in the blanks that I had gone without for many years. Now because I know my strengths I can lean into them to build my publishing company. 

Jenny Alberti
CEO Introvert, She Wrote

Limited Availability
Spots for this workshop are limited, so sign up now! Once purchased an email will be sent to you with the code for your assessment. 

Course Pricing

One time purchase

$97 USD

  • Price includes 24.99 assessment code!

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