Harnessing Anxiety: Transforming Fear into Confidence

Do you become anxious when you're in the spotlight? Dislike being the

 center of attention? You can take the anxiety you feel about having all

 eyes on you and harness it for confidence!  In this short 5-lesson course,

 you'll discover that our DNA is wired to avoid being the center of attention.

 You'll also learn the exact strategy to use for calming and centering

yourself before you go live, speak in public or facilitate a webinar. 

With authentic confidence you'll be able to show up as yourself in your life

 and in your business. 

Many folks believe that you either have confidence or you don't! Some say our personalities are stable over time and can't be changed.  I've found the opposite in my life. Growing up as a socially anxious child with school phobias, I've discovered how to harness that anxious energy and use it to build a thriving business by leading webinars, going live, giving speeches and on top of that, having fun doing it all!

Confidence in yourself is a skill that can be learned and accomplished!

In these 5 easy, interactive lessons you'll take small steps to authentic confidence. You'll learn why you're anxious in the first place and learn how to transform your nerves into confidence!  The lessons in this mini-course are built on evidence-based neuroscience as well as evidence from my clients that have transformed their lives! 

What you'll gain from investing in this short course!

1. The knowledge that your anxiety is completely normal! In fact, it would be abnormal not to feel somewhat anxious as the center of attention.

2. A key strategy for transforming your anxiety straight into excitement and confidence. It works every time!

3. An opportunity to practice (pretend) going live on camera without pushing the LIVE button!

4. Feedback from me on your practice video (if you choose to practice ).

5. Understanding the difference between under-confidence and over-confidence! Embodying authentic confidence is key to a happy life and a thriving business. 


 "I absolutely loved working through this course with Beth! She has a unique way of teaching that makes you feel included and comfortable learning news ways to better yourself! Thank you, Beth, for another wonderful opportunity to connect and learn!"

Tayla Marie, Mental Health Counselor

I was desperate to start a new business, but years of treating suicidal patients and families as a clinical psychologist left me feeling burned out, numb and exhausted. To make matters worse, my introversion caused me to overuse “being alone” to cope. I felt crippled by hopelessness that I could ever be the public face of a new company. After only a few sessions, Beth understood just how to reach me. It has been incredible to feel my light, my fire, my ambition and drive and frankly to feel fully alive again!  

Dr. Belinda Bellet, Clinical Psychologist

 Beth's feedback was uplifting and encouraging. Since [working together], I have created multiple Reels on Facebook, Instagram, & Tik Tok. I have also completed 3 Facebook Lives for my Facebook Group. I wouldn't have been able to get here without her encouragement.

Cyndi Booth Conway, Financial Coach, Making Money Simple 

Hi! I'm Beth and I love coaching women entrepreneurs and leaders to gain confidence in life and in front of the camera. People are looking for you, but they won't know you exist if you don't show up, right?

I spent many years playing small and hiding out in the corner -- not being visible! It's really no way to live, and when I took the anxiety I felt, harnessed it, and used it to develop confidence, I felt so free!  I decided to serve others by sharing the same strategies I used! That is what you will find in this 5-lesson mini-course all about Authentic Confidence. See you inside!

Course Pricing

Harnessing Anxiety: Transforming Fear into Confide

$17 USD

  • 5-lesson mini-course giving you the tools to overcome a natural tendency to hide!