You are an ambitious and motivated woman, but like so many of us you struggle with
self-limiting beliefs, perfectionism, and anxiety about showing up as your true self, especially in your business or career.

We're so glad you're here because we can help!

Who We Are

emergingYOU empowers women leaders to rediscover their innate courage.

Founder & CEO
Dr. Beth Stuart is a Strengths Facilitator and Confidence Coach for women leaders. With a background in social work, student success, and higher education leadership, she uses these skills to empower women to discover and lead through their natural strengths and to overcome their fears and limiting beliefs so they can thrive in all areas of their life.

We Do

Our programs include individual and group coaching, self-paced online courses, educational workshops, and a community of people to encourage you along the way. You can also book Dr. Stuart for virtual or in person training for your group and speaking engagements.

Whether you want a different - more authentic - business coach, a deep dive into your strengths, skills to improve your confidence on camera, or you need a community of women leaders for support - there is something here for you at emergingYOU!


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"Quiet & Badass" Book Author

Dr. Beth Stuart is one of 18 contributing authors in this revolutionary book that brings together the stories of women who don't often get the spotlight.

Top Rated Courses

Access hundreds of hours of amazing, in-depth courses including hours of step-by-step instructions, weekly office hours and much more from the biggest names.

Learn At Your Own Pace

From any device, any time at your convenience. Resume exactly where you left off. No limits on the number of times you can view video lessons.

Awesome Community

Join our community and connect with students from around the world who are just like you. Learn and share with the every growing community.